Follow us on LinkedIn Follow us on LinkedIn The Edge is the official publication of BlueScope Distribution Pty Ltd. The Edge newsletter has been prepared for information purposes only. BlueScope makes no representation or warranty as to the completeness or accuracy of the information contained in the newsletter. You must make your own assessment of the information contained in this newsletter, including when necessary seeking specific advice as to the suitably of the products featured in this brochure for the purpose for which, and the manner in which, you propose to use them. This may involve further independent analysis and testing. BlueScope Steel Limited, and its related bodies corporate, take no responsibility for any adverse consequences of any nature which arise as a result of reliance on this brochure. Information on safe storage and safety datasheets for BlueScope’s products can be found at BlueScope Distribution®, COLORBOND®, GALVABOND®, TRUECORE®, TRU-SPEC® and ZINCALUME® are registered trademarks of BlueScope Steel Limited. BISALLOY® is a registered trademark of Bisalloy Steels Pty Ltd (ABN 27 001 641 292). © 2021 BlueScope Distribution Pty Ltd (ABN 88 096 380 068).