Andrew Moore
State Sales Manager,
Brisbane/Trade Coast, Queensland
BlueScope Distribution
Opportunities propel rapid career evolution
At BlueScope Distribution, career development opportunities often emerge at a rapid pace. Andrew Moore’s journey is a testament to this dynamic environment.
Entering the steel industry
Andrew began his career at BlueScope Distribution as a Business Development Manager (BDM) in Brisbane in 2020. Coming from a background in consumer goods, Andrew was eager to understand the steel industry, its products, and the needs of its customers. “It was a whole new world for me to learn,” he recalls.
Rapid progression and learning
Within a short span, Andrew transitioned from the BDM role to Customer Service Supervisor, and then to the State Sales Manager for Queensland. More recently, he has also taken on the oversight of the Australian Export team, creating even more opportunities for growth and learning. “I have an awesome sales team both in Brisbane and as part of the Export team, and I value everyone’s drive for us to succeed,” says Andrew.
Supportive colleagues and managers
Andrew attributes much of his success to the support of his colleagues and managers. “In my previous roles I had a good manager that I worked with previously in a different industry. We worked well together, playing off each other’s strengths,” he explains. “My current manager has been instrumental in supporting my development and growth”. Andrew also credits the internal and external sales teams at BlueScope Distribution Trade Coast as playing a crucial role in furthering his learning each and every day.
Professional development and
Professional development has been a cornerstone of Andrew’s career at BlueScope Distribution. He highlights a negotiation training course as particularly impactful. “This course helped shape the way I plan and build strategy, and the behaviours and psychology around real-life negotiation to maximise value from every opportunity”.
One of Andrew’s proudest achievements was winning over a challenging customer. “It took me several sales calls before they would let me in the door. By the 8th or 9th call, I received my first purchase order.” Andrew went on to consider this customer a friend.
Looking ahead
Andrew continues to build his experience and knowledge, adding value to BlueScope Distribution’s customers. “The hardest part is also the most enjoyable, and that’s managing people. It’s a balancing act to get the best from everyone all the time,” he explains.
Andrew’s journey at BlueScope Distribution exemplifies the rapid career evolution and the supportive environment that the company fosters. His story is an inspiration for anyone looking to grow and succeed in their career.
“Nothing is handed to you. You need to work to create opportunities. Work out your career goals, identify your gaps, and work hard on closing them. Keep following that process and you will start to move through the ranks into your desired role,” advises Andrew.