Certifications & associations

BlueScope Distribution’s high standards of operations have been recognised by globally significant assessment bodies. This, in addition to our involvement with key industry associations, allows us to provide the expertise, technical know-how, local knowledge and a unique level of customer understanding that gives our customers the assurance they need.


ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management Systems

BlueScope Distribution is ISO 9001 certified, consistently providing products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements.


Industry associations

membership asi

Australian Steel

BlueScope Distribution is proud to be an ASI Distribution Centre, supporting jobs, supporting growth in the industry, supporting highest quality certified steel products and supporting Australian steel as the steel of choice.

The Australian Steel Institute (ASI) is the nation’s peak body representing the entire Australian steel supply chain from the manufacturing mills right through to end users in building and construction, heavy engineering and manufacturing.

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Australian Aluminium Council

BlueScope Distribution are proud to be a distribution member of the Australian Aluminium Council – the peak association representing the Australian aluminium industry.

Our involvement with the Council enables our team to stay informed and provide our customers with the latest updates related to the aluminium products they use.

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