“If you want an example of an Australian company keeping people safe globally, this is an absolute standout.”
Workers in the resources and industrial sectors are often at risk of slips and falls on stairways, ladders, walkways and ramps. For day-to-day safety, all industrial locations need antislip protection.
The Vigil Antislip brand from WA, is internationally recognised as the benchmark antislip range for quality, durability and effectiveness, backed by a 10 year warranty.
Over the years, Vigil Antislip has had a successful ongoing relationship with BlueScope Distribution. “We are committed to manufacturing the highest quality safety products, from the foundation up. This is why we’ve always purchased COLORBOND® steel from BlueScope Distribution,” says Founder and Managing Director, Stephen McCorkill.
Vigil Antislip manufactures stair nosings, metal deck panels and ladder rung covers using the highest quality raw materials. A wide range of standard sizes, grades and colours are available off the shelf or custom-made to order, with shipments being despatched daily to customers in Australia and across the world.
If you want an example of an Australian company keeping people safe globally, this is an absolute standout. Just look at a sample list of Vigil Antislip customers: BHP, Komatsu, BP, ExxonMobil, KCGM, NASA, Caterpillar, Rio Tinto, Shell and Woodside.
Creating safer workplaces
Stephen McCorkill is proud of the company’s achievements. “We began small because back in 1989 slips and falls were not recognised generally as being a major problem in industry or commerce,” he explains. “Gradually, as more statistics became available, we educated the market.”
“But times have changed and for years now, companies have viewed our product very much as an investment in their people,” he says. Today, Vigil Antislip is a cost-effective prevention for workplace accidents such as slips and falls, sold in over 70countries worldwide.
Throughout Asia, the Middle East, Europe and the Americas, with a growing clientele in every important resource and production processing region, Vigil Antislip is regarded as the leader in industrial slip control.
An ongoing bond with BlueScope
“Over 30 years of working together, we have seen some 2,000 tonnes of COLORBOND® steel go through our plant. In addition to other products, this steel that has gone into the manufacture of over a million stair nosings,” Stephen explains.
“These have been shipped around the globe to most of the world’s recognised oil & gas, mining and manufacturing companies to protect their people from the costs and trauma associated with slips and falls.”
As the Managing Director points out, “BlueScope manufactures 1.2mm Gold COLORBOND® steel specifically for us. BlueScope Distribution processes coils into sheet form and holds these products in stock ready for our requirements. BlueScope Distribution’s ability to shear the coils and keep them on hand provides added operational efficiency, clearly, this works for us and we are happy to stay with them.”
“It has been a great 30-year relationship which has worked well for both companies,” explains Stephen.
“As an Australian business, we are keen to support other locally made products and manufacturers. From time-to-time we have been approached by overseas suppliers, however, we have stayed loyal to BlueScope and Australian made steel for over 30 years now. And we will continue to do so.”
Vigil Antislip has been at the forefront of making Australian, and global, workplaces safer. It’s certainly a wonderful badge of honour and our BlueScope Distribution team is proud to have played an ongoing role.
Download Case Study: Vigil Antislip: An Australian company promoting safety globally